My Icons Are Missing or Showing up as Squares

*These instructions can only be applied to the OceanWP theme version 1.7.0 and lower, and Ocean Extra plugin version 1.5.16 and lower. If you are using the OceanWP theme version 1.7.1 or above, and the Ocean Extra plugin version 1.5.17 and above, read this article: My Icons Are Missing After Font Awesome 5 Upgrade.

The issue with (social media) icons occurs because Elementor has switched to Font Awesome 5, while OceanWP is still using Font Awesome 4. Once OceanWP updates to Font Awesome 5, the issue will be gone for good.

For now, there are two recommendations that can help you resolve the issue.

Enable Font Awesome 4 support in Elementor

Log into your WordPress website.

Go to your dashboard
Elementor > Settings > Advanced
Check Load Font Awesome 4 Support (at the very bottom) and save changes.

Add Custom CSS Code

Log into your WordPress website.

Go to your dashboard
Appearance > Customize > Custom CSS/JS
Paste the following code into your Custom CSS field and publish the changes:
.fa { 
  font-family: FontAwesome;

Note: If the changes are not visible right away, make sure to clear all site/cloud/browser cache.

If you have tried troubleshooting the issue using all recommendations and still experience difficulties, please contact our Support team.

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