Add a Dynamic Date in the Footer Bottom

Since Ocean Extra plugin 1.1.8 version, you can easily add a dynamic date in the footer copyright area (Customize > Footer Bottom) of your website.

What is a dynamic date?

A dynamic date is a date that changes automatically every year.

How do I add a dynamic date in the footer?

A shortcode has been created specially for this purpose.

Applying the Dynamic Date shortcode in the Customizer Footer Bottom area settings

In your Customizer (Appearance > Customize), go to Footer Bottom and enter the following shortcode in the Copyright textarea:


This shortcode will display the current year on the frontend of your website, so: 2024.

Dynamic Date shortcode display on website frontend

If you want to display the year of creation of your site in combination with the current year, here is the shortcode to insert:

[oceanwp_date year="2015"]

This shortcode will display: 2015 - 2024.

Of course, you can combine the shortcode with other textual content and HTML elements.

Did you know?

Your OceanWP theme includes a variety of shortcodes, similar to the Dynamic Date shortcode, which you can use on your website for various intents and purposes.

That's it!

Happy website building!

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