Ocean Modal Window Changelog

Ocean Modal Window Changelog:

= 2.2.2 - MAY 20 2024 =

  • Updated: Compatibility: WordPress version number.

= 2.2.1 - APR 29 2024 =

  • Updated: Accessibility: Modal closing button link and text.
  • Fixed: Metabox settings default values not displayed.

= 2.2.0 - SEP 06 2023 =

= 2.1.0 - MAY 23 2023 =

  • NEW: Option to load modal window content on a specific page only.
  • Added: Compatibility: PHP 8.2.6: Creation of dynamic property Plugin_Name::$plugin_url is deprecated.

= 2.0.9 - MAR 29 2023 =

  • Updated: Version number for compatibility.

= 2.0.8 - NOV 9 2022 =

- Added: Option to choose modal title tag in metabox settings.

- Updated: Plugin description.

= 2.0.7 =

- Fixed: My Library: Custom Template: dynamic blocks is not rendering in custom template.

= 2.0.6 =

- Fixed: Custom Templates: Content display issues when templates used on Elementor pages.

= 2.0.5 =

- Added: Metabox settings to enable/disable the modal window at page level.

- Added: Block editor support Modal Window post type.

- Fixed: Custom Template is not rendering perfectly for custom locations.

= 2.0.4 =

- Updated: WordPress version number for compatibility.

= 2.0.3 =

- Fixed: Scripts: loading issue.

= 2.0.2 =

- Improved: Fade and Slide transition effects.

- Fixed: Background Overlay: main page scrolls to top in background.

= 2.0.1 =

- Fixed: Close button issue.

= 2.0.0 =

- Added: Vanilla JS.

= 1.1.1 =

- Added: Version updated for WordPress 5.7.

= 1.1.0 =

- Added: Version updated for WordPress 5.4.

= 1.0.14 =

- Added: Codes for the Freemius switch.

= 1.0.13 =

- Added: Polish translation, thanks to Fin Fafarafiel.

- Tweak: Better approch for calling the metabox scripts.

= 1.0.12 =

- Added: Spanish language, thank you to Angel Julian Mena.

- Deleted: Admin notice if OceanWP is not the theme used.

= 1.0.11 =

- Added: Close modal on ESC key.

- Fixed: Z-index issue with the close button.

- Fixed: Capabilities issue in the metabox.

- Removed: Deprecated fields.

= 1.0.10 =

- Tweak: Elementor instance.

= 1.0.9 =

- Added: New field to select template created from Theme Panel > My Library, now compatible with all page builders.

- Added: French translation, thanks a lot to Jean of freepixel.net.

= 1.0.8 =

- Tweak: Some code improvements for the metabox.

= 1.0.7 =

- Fixed: Customizer options issue.

= =

- Added: All sanitize_callback for the customizer options.

= =

- Fixed: Issue when you had lots of modals, they were not all displayed in front end.

= 1.0.6 =

- Added: New field to allow you to select your template created in Elementor > My Library that will replace your modal content, thanks to Munir Kamal who giving me this great idea..

= 1.0.5 =

- Added: Modal Window section in customizer to allow global customization of modals.

- Added: New Tablet & Mobile Device tabs to customize modals in responsive.

= =

- Fixed: Issue with the overlay color option.

= 1.0.4 =

- Added: New option to add your own color for the overlay.

- Added: New option to enter your own padding.

- Added: New options to add a boder width, border style and border color.

- Added: New option to add a border radius.

- Added: New Typography tab to add your own font size, font family, font weight, font style,  text transform, line height and letter spacing.

= 1.0.3 =

- Added: New option to add an height to the modal.

= 1.0.2 =

- Tweak: Video stops playing when you close your modal.

= 1.0.1 =

- Added: You can open a modal with a button created with your page builder.

= 1.0.0 =

- Initial release.

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