Ocean Pro Demos Changelog

Ocean Pro Demos Changelog:

= 1.5.1 - MAY 22 2024 =

  • Added: Translations: Portuguese language.
  • Added: Pixel Tracker: LinkedIn events.
  • Added: Pixel Tracker: Pinterest events.
  • Added: Pixel Tracker: Google Consent option. Effectively enable customers to allow / deny Google events tracking.
  • Updated: Compatibility: WordPress version.

= 1.5.0 - APR 03 2024 =

  • NEW: Popup Builder.
  • NEW: Custom Post Types.
  • NEW: Pixel Tracker (Business and Agency plans only).
  • NEW Template: Camera: https://camera.oceanwp.org/
  • NEW Template: Arquitecte: https://arquitecte.oceanwp.org/
  • NEW Template: Mechanic: https://mechanic.oceanwp.org/
  • NEW Template: iTech: https://itech.oceanwp.org/
  • NEW Template: coWork: https://cowork.oceanwp.org/
  • NEW Template: Coursela: https://coursela.oceanwp.org/
  • NEW Template: CreatAds: https://creatads.oceanwp.org/
  • NEW Template: Snorkel: https://snorkel.oceanwp.org/
  • NEW Template: Golf Game: https://golfgame.oceanwp.org/
  • NEW Template: CamStack: https://camstack.oceanwp.org/
  • NEW Template: App: https://app.oceanwp.org/
  • NEW Template: WebDev: https://webdev.oceanwp.org/
  • NEW Template: Kiddy Star: https://kiddystar.oceanwp.org/
  • NEW Template: DreamHome: https://dreamhome.oceanwp.org/
  • NEW Template: Mentor: https://mentor.oceanwp.org/
  • NEW Template: Thrive: https://thrive.oceanwp.org/
  • NEW Template: CarWash: https://carwash.oceanwp.org/
  • NEW Template: RockSolid: https://rocksolid.oceanwp.org/
  • NEW Template: Plumbing: https://plumbing.oceanwp.org/
  • NEW Template: Innovations: https://innovations.oceanwp.org/

= 1.4.7 - SEP 06 2023 =

  • Updated: Compatibility: WordPress version number.

= 1.4.6 - JUL 05 2023 =

  • Updated: Elementor Sections Library: Buttons color for an improved UX.

= 1.4.5 - MAY 23 2023 =

  • Added: Compatibility: Ocean eComm Treasure Box: Cross-plugin compatibility for Ocean Images feature.
  • Added: Compatibility: PHP 8.2.6: Creation of dynamic property Plugin_Name::$plugin_url is deprecated.

= 1.4.4 - MAR 29 2023 =

  • Fixed: CSS selector styling influencing WooCommerce product type selection (on rare occasions).

= 1.4.3 - MAR 15 2023 =

  • NEW: Flaticon icons import: Flaticon stickers support.
  • Added: Freepik API v3 support.

= 1.4.2 - JAN 10 2023 =

  • Updated: Language: Ocean Pro Demos .pot file.
  • Fixed: Ocean Pro Demos license info and status not displayed under OceanWP > Account. Will require license reactivation after plugin update.
  • Fixed: Ocean Pro Demos license activation doesn't remove the Upgrade notice if first or only premium plugin from the Bundle.

= 1.4.1 - NOV 9 2022 =

- NEW: Additional server for Images and Icon import for troubleshooting purposes.

= 1.4.0 = 

- NEW: Elementor sections library. View this article on how to use the Elementor sections library the first time.

= 1.3.1 =

- Added: Import button for improved UX.

- Improved: Theme Panel styling.

- Fixed: Simply demo: blog page title error on import.

- Removed: Remove non-standard outdated CSS #349

= 1.3.0 =

- NEW: Freepik and Flaticon API support for Business and Agency plans. Navigate to Theme Panel > Ocean Images to enable, then find a new option below the Media in your WordPress dashboard.

= 1.2.2 =

- Added: New demo, Gutenberg Sushi: https://gsushi.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Gutenberg Essential: https://gessential.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Gutenberg Games: https://ggames.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Gutenberg My Nails: https://gmynails.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Gutenberg Nutritionist: https://gnutritionist.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Gutenberg Basket: https://gbasket.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Gutenberg Barbecue: https://gbarbecue.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Gutenberg Backpack: https://gbackapck.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Gutenberg Agenda: https://gagenda.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Gutenberg Pumps: https://gpumps.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Gutenberg Pet: https://gpet.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Gutenberg Cap: https://gcap.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Gutenberg Out: https://gout.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Gutenberg Clothes: https://gclothes.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Gutenberg Rings: https://grings.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Gutenberg Teddy: https://gteddy.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Gutenberg Toys: https://gtoys.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Gutenberg Coaching: https://gcoaching.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Gutenberg Earphone: https://gearphone.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Gutenberg Croquette: https://gcroquette.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, HubSpot Delicious: https://hdelicious.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, HubSpot Agency: https://hagency.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, HubSpot Corporate: https://hcorporate.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, HubSpot Designer: https://hdesigner.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, HubSpot Digital: https://hdigital.oceanwp.org/

= 1.2.1 =

- Added: New demo, Assurance: https://assurance.oceanwp.org/
- Added: New demo, Wedevent: https://wedevent.oceanwp.org/
- Added: New demo, Earphone: https://earphone.oceanwp.org/
- Added: New demo, Suitcase: https://suitcase.oceanwp.org/
- Added: New demo, Cap: https://cap.oceanwp.org/
- Added: New demo, Aesthetic: https://aesthetic.oceanwp.org/
- Added: New demo, Coaching: https://coaching.oceanwp.org/
- Added: New demo, Cook: https://cook.oceanwp.org/
- Added: New demo, Doctor: https://doctor.oceanwp.org/
- Added: New demo, Gardener: https://gardener.oceanwp.org/
- Added: New demo, Justice: https://justice.oceanwp.org/
- Added: New demo, PonyClub: https://ponyclub.oceanwp.org/
- Added: New demo, Psychologist: https://psychologist.oceanwp.org/
- Added: New demo, Soccer: https://soccer.oceanwp.org/
- Added: New demo, Startup: https://startup.oceanwp.org/
- Added: New demo, Veterinary: https://veterinary.oceanwp.org/
- Added: New demo, Masseuse: https://masseuse.oceanwp.org/
- Added: New demo, Out: https://out.oceanwp.org/
- Added: New demo, Pumps: https://pumps.oceanwp.org/
- Added: New demo, Clean: https://clean.oceanwp.org/
- Added: New demo, Nightclub: https://nightclub.oceanwp.org/
- Added: New demo, University: https://university.oceanwp.org/
- Added: New demo, Baker: https://baker.oceanwp.org/
- Added: New demo, Bistro: https://bistro.oceanwp.org/
- Added: New demo, ClubFitness: https://clubfitness.oceanwp.org/
- Added: New demo, Pool: https://pool.oceanwp.org/
- Added: New demo, Building: https://building.oceanwp.org/

= 1.2.0 =

- Added: New demos:

Fountain: https://fountain.oceanwp.org/

Picture: https://picture.oceanwp.org/

Phone: https://phone.oceanwp.org/

Knife: https://knife.oceanwp.org/

Scents: https://scents.oceanwp.org/

Buoy: https://buoy.oceanwp.org/

Spice: https://spice.oceanwp.org/

Agenda: https://agenda.oceanwp.org/

Egg: https://egg.oceanwp.org/

Essential: https://essential.oceanwp.org/

Diffusers: https://diffusers.oceanwp.org/

Games: https://games.oceanwp.org/

Teddy: https://teddy.oceanwp.org/

Croquette: https://croquette.oceanwp.org/

Nail: https://nail.oceanwp.org/

Statue: https://statue.oceanwp.org/

Boat: https://boat.oceanwp.org/

Rings: https://rings.oceanwp.org/

Backpack: https://backpack.oceanwp.org/

Towel: https://towel.oceanwp.org/

= 1.1.9 =

- Added: New demos.

= 1.1.8 =

- Added: New demo, Champagne: https://champagne.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Bluetooth: https://bluetooth.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Hairstyle: https://hairstyle.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Tennis: https://tennis.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Barbecue: https://barbecue.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Shampoo: https://shampoo.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Horse: https://horse.oceanwp.org/

= 1.1.7 =

- Added: New demo, Carpet: https://carpet.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Health: https://health.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Pretty: https://pretty.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Paddle: https://paddle.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Parfum: https://parfum.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Piano: https://piano.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Event Cake: https://eventcake.oceanwp.org/

= 1.1.6 =

- Added: New demo, Roses: https://roses.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Caps: https://caps.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Yard: https://yard.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Bedding: https://bedding.oceanwp.org/

= 1.1.5 =

- Added: New demo, Pet: https://pet.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Rider: https://rider.oceanwp.org/

= 1.1.4 =

- Added: New demo, Candle: https://candle.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Bikini: https://bikini.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Board: https://board.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Tea: https://tea.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Jean: https://jean.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Cupcake: https://cupcake.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Tools: https://tools.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Bikes: https://bikes.oceanwp.org/

= 1.1.3 =

- Added: New demo, Baby: https://baby.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Bartender: https://bartender.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Books: https://books.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Boots: https://boots.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Bounty: https://bounty.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Boxe: https://boxe.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Choco: https://choco.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Clinic: https://clinic.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Cream: https://cream.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Festival: https://festival.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Glasses: https://glasses.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Hope: https://hope.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Massage: https://massage.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, My Nails: https://mynails.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Organic: https://organic.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Precious: https://precious.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Suit: https://suit.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Sushi: https://sushi.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Watch: https://watch.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Wine: https://wine.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Zen: https://zen.oceanwp.org/

= 1.1.2 =

- Added: New demo, Bar: https://bar.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Beauty: https://beauty.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Blogroll: https://blogroll.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Carshop: https://carshop.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Church: https://church.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Classy: https://classy.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Clothes: https://clothes.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Coffee Shop: https://coffeeshop.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Dark: https://dark.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Designer: https://designer.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Digital: https://digital.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Emma: https://emma.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Jacob: https://jacob.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Minimal: https://minimal.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, NextGen: https://nextgen.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Paint: https://paint.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Paris: https://paris.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Pastry: https://pastry.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Recipes: https://recipes.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Tattoo: https://tattoo.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Toys: https://toys.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Trainer: https://trainer.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Wild: https://wild.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Hair: https://hair.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Lotus: https://lotus.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Event: https://event.oceanwp.org/

= 1.1.1 =

- Added: Version updated for WordPress 5.4.

= 1.1.0 =

- Added: New demo, Bakery: https://bakery.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Corporate: https://corporate.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Destination: https://destination.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Event: https://event.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Lauren: https://lauren.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, One Store: https://onestore.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Outfits: https://outfits.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Simply: https://simply.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Studio: https://studio.oceanwp.org/

= 1.0.11 =

- Tweak: Import demo improved.

= 1.0.10 =

- Added: New demo, Hairdresser: https://hairdresser.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Pizza: https://pizza.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, SEO Consulting: https://consulting.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Skate: https://skate.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Veggie: https://veggie.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Nails: https://nails.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Make Up Artist: https://makeup.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Skyscraper: https://skyscraper.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Tech: https://tech.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Portfolio: https://portfolio.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Interior Design: https://interior.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Surfing: https://surfing.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Service: https://service.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Music: https://music.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Photo: https://photo.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Cycle: https://cycle.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Agency: https://agency.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Charity: https://charity.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Fitness: https://fitness.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Inspire: https://inspire.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Design: https://design.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Style: https://style.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Learn: https://learn.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Simple Blog: https://simpleblog.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Street Food: https://streetfood.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New setting to import the contact form.

- Fixed: Import issue with the contact form of the demos.

= 1.0.9 =

- Added: New demo, Barber Shop: https://barber.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Bright Homes: https://bright.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Computer Repair: https://computer.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Florist: https://florist.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Scuba ping: https://scuba.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo, Freelance Designer: https://freelance.oceanwp.org/

= 1.0.8 =

- Tweak: Contact Forms 7 replaced by WPForms which is a much better and flexible form plugin.

= 1.0.7 =

- Added: New demo School: https://school.oceanwp.org/

= 1.0.6 =

- Added: New demo Book: https://book.oceanwp.org/

- Added: Polish translation, thanks to Fin Fafarafiel.

= 1.0.5 =

-Added: Now you will have two steps to import a demo, in the second step, you will be able to import only the XML file and/or the customizer settings and/or the widgets.

-Added: All free demos, so you don't need to have the Ocean Demo Import plugin anymore if you use this plugin.

-Tweak: Much better approch to import a demo, now you just need to click the demo you want to import, install the required plugins and wait for the import.

= 1.0.4 =

- Added: New demo Shoes: https://shoes.oceanwp.org/

- Added: New demo Wedding: https://wedding.oceanwp.org/

= 1.0.3 =

- Added: New demo: https://coffee.oceanwp.org/

= 1.0.2 =

- Deleted: Admin notice if OceanWP is not the theme used.

= 1.0.1 =

- Updated: Restaurant demo files.

= 1.0.0 =

- Initial release.

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