Ocean Popup Login Changelog

Ocean Popup Login Changelog:

= 2.2.0 - OCT 16 2024 =

  • NEW: Customizer: Library upgraded to default WordPress ReactJS.
  • NEW: Customizer: Customizer Controls.
  • NEW: Customizer: User Interface.
  • NEW: Customizer: Reorganized settings for improved user experience.
  • Removed: Customizer: Legacy PHP Controls.

= 2.1.9 - OCT 11 2024 =

  • Added: Conditional checks for future updates.
  • Updated: Compatibility: WordPress version number.

= 2.1.8 - MAY 20 2024 =

  • Added: Translations: Portuguese language.
  • Updated: Compatibility: WordPress version number.

= 2.1.7 - DEC 11 2023 =

  • Added: Compatibility: Easy Digital Downloads: Password retrieve filter for the Forgot Password / Reset Password option.

= 2.1.6 - SEP 06 2023 =

  • Updated: Compatibility: WordPress version number.

= 2.1.5 - MAY 23 2023 =

  • NEW: Security method via reCaptcha: OceanWP Panel > Integrations + Customizer option.
  • NEW: Username security options: username length, exclude spaces, forbidden usernames; Customizer options.
  • Added: Compatibility: PHP 8.2.6: Creation of dynamic property Plugin_Name::$plugin_url is deprecated.

= 2.1.4 - JAN 10 2023 =

  • Fixed: Customizer: Checkbox option to display privacy policy doesn't display.

= 2.1.3 - NOV 9 2022 =

- Fixed: HTML Code for Custom Text is not available.

- Fixed: Live preview for custom HTML text.

- Fixed: PHP Fatal error: function 'opl_popup_login_sanitize_logged_in' cannot be called statically.

= 2.1.2 =

- Added: Accessibility: Login form text input fields.

= 2.1.1 =

- Improved: Theme Panel.

- Fixed: After a user registration from the popup login plugin, no email is sent to the user.

= 2.1.0 =

- NEW: Enforce strong passwords upon user registration (optional).

- NEW: Limit login and password reset attempts on the popup login form and admin login page (optional).

= 2.0.2 =

- Improved: Script dependencies.

= 2.0.1 =

- Improved: Fade and Slide transition effects.

- Fixed: Auto Mode: Mobile Menu: form not displayed on Sidebar and Dropdown styles.

- Fixed: Manual Mode: Form not displayed when shortcode or link class in use.

= 2.0.0 =

- Added: Vanilla JS.

= 1.2.0 =

- Added: Feature to hide the 'Remember Me' option.

- Added: Option to change website background overlay color.

- Added: German translation, thanks to Wolfgang Wick.

- Updated: French translation, thanks to Mathieu Funk.

= 1.1.0 =

- Added: Version updated for WordPress 5.4.

= 1.0.9 =

- Fixed: Reset Password Recovery link timeout.

- Fixed: Remember Me option.

- Updated: Reset password notification text to avoid confusion.

= 1.0.8 =

- Fixed: Fatal error on plugin activation.

= 1.0.7 =

- Added: Codes for Freemius switch.

= 1.0.6 =

- Added: New setting which allow you to add a redirect for the logout link.

- Tweak: Added support for the Nextend Social Login and Register plugin which allows you to login/register via your social media.

= 1.0.5 =

- Added: New settings to add a redirection after login or registration.

- Added: German translation, thanks to Antal Hendrix.

- Fixed: Issue if background image added to the popup.

= 1.0.4 =

- Added: Privacy Policy link for GDPR consent in forms, you need to select your Privacy Policy page in Settings > Privacy.

- Added: Two new settings Login and Logout Texts so now you can add what you want for the login and lgout texts.

- Added: Portuguese translation updated, thanks to Chagas Silva.

= 1.0.3 =

- Added: Estonian translation, thanks to Janek Tuttar.

- Fixed: Login didn't work if SSL.

= 1.0.2 =

- Tweak: JS script improved, no need Magnific Popup anymore.

- Tweak: Sign in/Sign up link added before the cart and search icons.

= 1.0.1 =

- Added: French translation, thank you very much to Julien Roussel.

= 1.0.0 =

- Initial release.

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