Ocean Gutenberg Blocks Changelog

Ocean Gutenberg Blocks Changelog

= 1.1.7 - MAY 20 2024 =

  • Added: Translations: Portuguese language.
  • Updated: Compatibility: WordPress version number.

= 1.1.6 - MAR 13 2024 =

  • Fixed: Missing dependencies while using the Query Monitor plugin on admin pages.
  • Fixed: Timeline block: Block functionality inside the editor.
  • Fixed: PHP Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at .../plugins/ocean-gutenberg-blocks/includes/blocks/modules/blog-grid/blog-grid.php:116

= 1.1.5 - DEC 13 2023 =

  • NEW: Clipboard block.
  • NEW: ACF block.
  • Updated: Font Awesome library to the latest 6.5.1 version.
  • Improved: JS files loading.
  • Fixed: PHP Warning: Undefined index: icon.
  • Fixed: PHP Warning: Undefined index: label.
  • Fixed: Newsletter block subscribing issue.

= 1.1.3 - NOV 9 2022 =

- Fixed: Class name change for Gutenberg components.

- Fixed: Blog Grid: Hide original video thumbnail with enable/disable thumbnail setting.

- Fixed: Blog Grid: Backend and frontend column display differences.

- Fixed: Blog Grid: Adding multiple Blog Grid blocks to the same post / page displays the same content.- Fixed: Blog Grid: Responsive CSS issue with device type preview.

- Fixed: Blog List: Responsive CSS issue with device type preview.

- Fixed: Timeline: Responsive CSS issue with device type preview.

= 1.1.2 =

- Fixed: Compatibility with OceanWP child theme.

= 1.1.1 =

- Improved: Theme Panel styling.

- Added: Blog Grid block: H tag choice.

- Added: Blog List block: H tag choice.

- Added: Call to Action block: H tag choice.

- Fixed: Blog Carousel: Video post format thumbnail issue.

- Removed: redundant plugin file.

= 1.1.0 =

- New Block: Star Rating.

- New Block: Recipe.

- New Block: Modal Window.

- New Block: Icon list.

- New Block: Section.

- New Block: Team.

- New Block: Buttons.

- New Block: Circle Progress.

- Fixed : Wrong font family name of Testimonial block.

- Fixed : Blog grid read more button styling.

- Fixed : Call to action block - Animation issue fixed on frontend.

- Fixed : Fatal error on plugin activation.

- Added : alignwide and alignfull support for columns block.

- Added : Background color for blog grid post content area.

- Fixed: __experimentalUseInnerBlocksProps is not available in Wordpress 5.9

= 1.0.1 =

- Plugin slug updated.

= 1.0.0 =

- Initial release.

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