Extra Settings - OceanWP Panel

The Extra Settings section allows all OceanWP users to disable or enable specific features that are included in the Ocean Extra free WordPress plugin.

Meta-box Settings

The meta-box settings is a set of features that allows all OceanWP users control over each and every page, blog post, single product page, etc in terms of styling.

These features override the global website (Customizer) settings and put you in control.

If you don't plan to use these settings, aka your website will only use the Customizer settings, you can disable the Meta-box Settings. The image below are the OceanWP Settings (meta-box settings).

You can disable the Meta-box Settings for all supported types or individually.

My Library

The My Library feature allows you to create different templates. For example, custom header template to set via the Customizer or OceanWP meta-box Settings. Or to create different templates or shortcodes using Ocean Hooks, a part of the Ocean Core Extensions Bundle.

If you don't plan to create any templates to use within the Customizer, meta-box, etc, you can disable the My Library option.

WordPress Widgets

Ocean Extra plugins offers OceanWP users a variety of WordPress widgets (Appearance > Widgets).

You can use these widgets in your sidebar or footer, or even in Elementor design.

If you don't want to use some or all of these widgets, you can disable them from here.

That's it!

Happy website building

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