Disable the Lightbox Scripts

This is a Developer Level doc.

If you're unfamiliar with PHP and/or editing files, codes and templates, as well as with resolving possible conflict, please seek help from a professional. Under our Support Policy, we don't provide support for modifications and customization.

You can easily disable the Lightbox script via Customize > General Options > Performance.

Important: The code below will only function with OceanWP version 2.1.1 and lower.

If, for some reason, this option doesn't function for you, you can disable Lightbox scripts using the following PHP snippet:

 * Disable the Lightbox scripts
function my_enqueue_scripts() {

	// Unregister JS files
	wp_deregister_script( 'magnific-popup' );
	wp_deregister_script( 'oceanwp-lightbox' );

	// Unregister CSS file
	wp_deregister_style( 'magnific-popup' );

add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'my_enqueue_scripts', 99 );

 * Add the no-lightbox class in the body tag
function my_body_classes( $classes ) {

	$classes[] = 'no-lightbox';

	// Return classes
	return $classes;
add_filter( 'body_class', 'my_body_classes' );

All PHP snippets should be added via a child theme's functions.php file.

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