OceanWP and Ocean Extensions Requirements
In order for the OceanWP theme and Ocean Extensions to function properly on your website, your server setup will need to meet certain requirements.
WordPress Version Requirements
Requires at least WordPress 5.6 version.
However, it is always best to use the latest version.
WordPress Memory Limit Requirements
While OceanWP theme and Ocean Extensions will function without any issue using 128M memory limit, the Memory Limit alone also depends on other plugins you may have installed, as well as WordPress itself.
For example, if you are using Elementor in combination with the OceanWP theme, it is recommended that you use 512M Memory Limit at least.
If you are using Elementor, WooCommerce and/or Jetpack, it is recommended that you use 768M Memory Limit.
Our recommendations are based on real website cases. We do not assume you will be using just the OceanWP theme (or any theme) in combination with just one plugin.
PHP Version Requirements
Although the OceanWP theme can function on older PHP versions, in order for all OceanWP and Ocean Extensions features to function without any issues or function at all, it is recommended that you use any 7.2+ PHP version.
Other Requirements
GD Installed: Yes.
ZIP Installed: Yes
If you plan importing any of the Ocean Demos, your WordPress Upload Limit must be set to at least 20MB.
Useful links: