How To Use Ocean Images - Import Images & Icons

As of Ocean eComm Treasure Box v 1.1.0, the Ocean Images component is available to all Shopping Plus and Shopping Mall license owners.

Following OceanWP's collaboration with Freepik and Flaticon, OceanWP is covering your rights to import and use images, icons and stickers on your website - 100% royalty-free.

The best part is - you're not being charged for making use of this service, as it's totally at our expense.

Enable Ocean Images Component

To enable the Ocean Images component, navigate to your eCommerce OTB dashboard, section Components, and toggle the button next to Ocean Images.

Once done, additional options will appear.

The Server Option

The Server dropdown menu offers two options:

  1. Main, and
  2. Alternative.

We recommend using the Main server at all times, unless you experience issues during the import.

In case of import errors which are not caused by your own website upload limitations, switch to the Alternative server for troubleshooting purposes.


To import icons or stickers from Flaticon, you need to set the Enable Flaticon dropdown menu option to Enable.

Next, you need to choose the size of the icons and stickers you want to import.


To import images from Freepik, you need to set the Enable Freepik dropdown menu option to Enable.

Next, you need to choose the size of the images for import, between Normal and HD.

The image size entirely depends on Freepik's API and what they consider to be Normal or HD. At this point it's not possible to choose a custom image size, therefore we also recommend additional editing if needed to compress the imported image size per need.

Save Changes

Once you've selected all the sizes and, don't forget to Save Changes.

Browse and Import Ocean Images

Browse Ocean Images

To browse through Ocean Images (and icons), navigate to your WP dashboard, Media > Browse OTB Ocean Images.

If you're not seeing this option under the Media, reload the page in the browser.

If you enabled both Freepik and Flaticon options, you'll be able to toggle between these two options.

Otherwise, you'll only see the option for the service you enabled.

Browse Flaticon Icons and Stickers

The Flaticon import option allows additional toggle between classic icons and stickers.

You can use the Load More option at the bottom or search for specific keywords.

Browse Freepik Images

The Freepik import option allows you to browse by using the Load More option at the bottom of the screen or by making use of the search bar and searching for files based on specific keywords.

Import Images, Icons and Stickers

To import any of the files you want, just click on the file, and wait for the process to finish.

When the file is successfully imported, you'll see a success notification message on top of that item.

Again, depending on the import limit of your WordPress environment, we recommend importing one file at a time.

Locate Imported Images, Icons and Stickers

All images, icons and stickers you imported are automatically stored in your Media > Library.

Now it's your turn to make use of the 100% royalty-free images and icons and create captivating content for your WordPress website ;)

Disable the Ocean Images Component

Here at OceanWP we believe in responsible growth.

One of the traits of our responsible growth is allowing you control over features you use.

Whenever you don't have the need to use the Ocean Images component (aka you don't have the need to import any images or icons), you can disable the component.

Disabling Ocean Images component will not remove any of the items which you previously imported because that content is now on your website.

You can disable or enable the Ocean Images component via your eCommerce OTB dashboard, section Components.

That's it!

Enjoy building your custom eCommerce website with Ocean eComm Treasure Box.

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