SEO Settings - Customizer

Default theme settings may differ if you have imported one of the OceanWP prebuilt website templates for WordPress. This is because these templates come with their own Customizer settings. However, the way you use the Customizer to adjust your website remains the same.

The OceanWP Customizer SEO Settings panel enables you to enable a simple Schema Markup, as well as apply specific optional settings for optimal SEO results.

Available SEO Settings options include:

Enable Schema Markup

Schema Markup is code which is used to markup certain website elements (header, article, blog, product, etc.) so that search engines can understand them better. This information is used to improve SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

OceanWP provides a simple and automatic schema markup and you don't need to configure anything.

If you're using a dedicated SEO plugin, like The SEO Framework, Rank Math, SEO Press or others, we recommend disabling the Schema Markup to avoid sending duplicate information to search engines.

This option is enabled by default.

Website image elements use the HTML ALT (alternative text) property to describe images. This information is used by search engines (for image browsing), but also by assistive technologies (accessibility).

By default, the featured image on blog entries (blog page, blog archives (categories and posts)) will return the blog title the featured image relates to as the ALT information.

By enabling the this feature, your website will use your own ALT information you assigned to the featured image in the Media Gallery, instead of the blog title.

This feature functions independently from Schema Markup or dedicated SEO plugin usage. You can use it based on your own preferences.

If you're not displaying the featured image element on blog entries, you don't need to use this feature.

This feature is disabled by default.

Website image elements use the HTML ALT (alternative text) property to describe images. This information is used by search engines (for image browsing), but also by assistive technologies (accessibility).

By default, the featured image on single blog posts will return the blog post title the featured image relates to as the ALT information.

By enabling the this feature, your website will use your own ALT information you assigned to the featured image in the Media Gallery, instead of the blog post title.

This feature functions independently from Schema Markup or dedicated SEO plugin usage. You can use it based on your own preferences.

If you're not displaying the featured image element on single blog post pages, you don't need to use this feature.

This feature is disabled by default.

Use featured image ALT text on single post related items

Website image elements use the HTML ALT (alternative text) property to describe images. This information is used by search engines (for image browsing), but also by assistive technologies (accessibility).

By default, the featured image on related blog posts (single blog post element) will return the blog post title the featured image relates to as the ALT information.

By enabling the this feature, your website will use your own ALT information you assigned to the featured image in the Media Gallery, instead of the blog post title.

This feature functions independently from Schema Markup or dedicated SEO plugin usage. You can use it based on your own preferences.

If you're not displaying the Related Posts element on single blog post pages, you don't need to use this feature.

This feature is disabled by default.

Configure Breadcrumbs

The Configure Breadcrumbs options is a shortcut which leads to the Breadcrumbs' Settings page.

Enable OpenGraph

Open Graph is an HTML markup used by social networks to display shared content. For example, the way a shared link is displayed on Facebook. Open Graph information is not used by search engines, so you can use this feature alongside the Schema Markup or a dedicated SEO plugin.

Some SEO plugins provide and use their own Open Graph settings. If you're using a dedicated SEO plugin and have configured the Open Graph (social media settings), we recommend you keep this feature disabled to avoid sending duplicate information.

This feature is disabled by default.

X (ex Twitter) Username

The X (ex Twitter) Username option enables you to add your username on the X (ex Twitter) social network.

Enter the username without the "@".

If OceanWP OpenGraph feature is disabled, you don't need to add this information.

Facebook Page URL

The Facebook Page URL option enables you to add the full URL of your dedicated page on the Facebook social network.

If OceanWP OpenGraph feature is disabled, you don't need to add this information.

Facebook App ID

The Facebook App ID enables to add your own Facebook App ID, which is a unique number that identifies your app when you request ads from Audience Network.

If OceanWP OpenGraph feature is disabled, you don't need to add this information.

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Enjoy building your WordPress website with OceanWP!

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