Pages & Special Pages - Customizer

Default theme settings may differ if you have imported one of the OceanWP prebuilt website templates for WordPress. This is because these templates come with their own Customizer settings. However, the way you use the Customizer to adjust your website remains the same.

The OceanWP Customizer Pages & Special Pages panel enables you to apply global pages settings (layout, content padding, Page Title etc), as well apply settings for special pages like the 404 Page and the Search Results Page.

Available Pages & Special Pages options include:

Page Layout

The Page Layout toggle panel contains options that enable you to choose the main layout style for your website pages (WP Dashboard > Pages).

You can choose between:

  • Right Sidebar: the sidebar displayed on the right, content displayed on the left.
  • Left Sidebar: the sidebar displayed on the left, content displayed on the right,
  • Full Width: no sidebars displayed. The website content displayed within the main container width you assigned in Site Style & Settings > Site Layout: Main Container Width option.
  • 100% Full Width: no sidebars displayed. The content goes from edge to edge of the screen.
  • Both Sidebars: left sidebar on the left, right sidebar on the right, content in the middle.

To select a page layout, simply click on the arrow button to expand the panel and select the correct thumbnail for the page layout on your website:

apply page layout settings on WordPress website
An example of the Right Sidebar page layout applied
WordPress website page layout options
Available Page layout options

For the main page layout style in the Customizer, choose the style you'll be using the most.

With OceanWP, you can always override global website (Customizer) settings and apply a different layout to any page on your website using the OceanWP (Metabox) Settings.

To handle widgets on your website (content displayed in sidebars), navigate to your WP Dashboard, Appearance > Widgets. Select the correct widget area by name and add options per your need.

Hint #1: If you're using a Sidebar layout, you can display any sidebar content you want, thanks to the OceanWP (Metabox) Settings.

Hint #2: Using Ocean Custom Sidebar plugin, you can create an endless amount of sidebars and add all types of content for all occasions.

Content Padding (px)

The Content Padding option enables you to assign padding (space) before (top) and after (bottom) main page content.

This option is always measured in pixels (px).

Apply content padding to a WordPress page

WordPress page example before content padding settings applied
An example of a page with default Content Padding values
An example of a page with custom Content Padding values applied

Default Content Padding values for both top and bottom are 50px.

Hint #1: To remove Content Padding (spacing) before and after content, you can simply insert 0 (zero) into respective fields.

Additional Layout Settings

The Additional Layout Settings panel contains options for the Both Sidebars page layout.

If you're using the Both Sidebars page layout, visit this panel for more adjustments.

Additional layout settings for the both sidebars page layout option

The Additional Layout Settings panel includes the following options:

Both Sidebars: Content Order Style

The Both Sidebars: Content Order Style option enables you to choose the way your content is displayed when using the Both Sidebar page layout.

You can choose between the following options:

  • Sidebar / Content / Sidebar (default option),
  • Sidebar / Sidebar / Content, and
  • Content / Sidebar / Sidebar.
WordPress page with two sidebar widget areas example
An example of a page using the Both Sidebars page layout and the Sidebar / Content / Sidebar order style

Both Sidebars: Content Width

The Both Sidebars: Content Width option enables you to determine the width of the main page content.

WordPress page with sidebars content width settings

Though you're able to pick any measurement unit you like, we recommend to keep it in percentage (%).

WordPress page content width example
An example of the page area affected by the Both Sidebars: Content Width option

Default Both Sidebars: Content Width value is 44%.

Both Sidebars: Each Sidebar Width

The Both Sidebars: Sidebars Width option enables you to determine the width of the sidebar content area.

Though you're able to pick any measurement unit you like, we recommend to keep it in percentage (%).

Default Both Sidebars: Sidebars Width value is approx 27% for each sidebar respectively.

Responsive Page Settings

The Responsive Page Settings panel contains additional options for any of the single sidebar page layouts: Left Sidebar or Right Sidebar.

Additional responsive settings for WordPress pages with sidebars

The Responsive Page Settings enable you to determine the way your page content is going to be displayed on tablet and mobile devices, ie. you can choose whether to display the main content or the sidebar content first.

The Responsive Page Settings enable you to choose between:

  1. Content / Sidebar: display main content first, then display sidebar content.
  2. Sidebar / Content: display sidebar content first, then display main content.

Page Title

The Page Title section holds options related to the Page Title area on your website, ie. content displayed between the website's header and main content and usually holds the information like the title and breadcrumbs.

WordPress page Page Title area settings

WordPress page Page Title area representation
An example of the Page Title area on your website

The Page Title section includes the following panels:

  1. Page Title,
  2. Page Breadcrumbs.

Page Title

The Page Title panel enables you to enable or disable the Page Title area on your website, apply a specific style and more.

WordPress Page Title settings

The Page Title panel includes the following options:

Enable Page Title

The Enable Page Title option enables you to determine whether or not the Page Title area will be displayed on your website.

Option to enable or disable the page title area on a WordPress website

With OceanWP (Metabox) Settings, you can control the display, style and other options of the Page Title area for each page respectively, regardless of the global website (Customizer) settings.


The Visibility option enables you to choose devices that will display the Page Title area:

  • Show on All Devices: display on desktop, tablet and mobile.
  • Hide on Tablet: display on desktop and mobile, but hide on tablet.
  • Hide on Mobile: display on desktop and tablet, but hide on mobile.
  • Hide on Tablet and Mobile: display on desktop only.

WordPress Page Title visibility (responsive) options

Heading Tag

The Heading Tag enables you to assign the correct H tag to the Title of the page: H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, div, span, p.

assign the correct H tag to the Page Title

Recommendation: If you're displaying the Page Title area on your website, we recommend using the H1 as the Heading Tag for optimal SEO results.


The Style panel enables you to choose the style of the Page Title area.

WordPress page Page Title area styles

To select a Page Title style, simply click on the arrow button to expand the panel and select the correct thumbnail based on the style you want to use:

  • Default: title on the left, breadcrumbs on the right.
  • Centered: all content in the center.
  • Centered Minimal: almost exactly the same as Centered, but less spacing (padding) before and after the title, and the default background color is white.
  • Background Image: use an image instead of a solid color for the background.
Default Page Title style example
An example of the Default page title style
Centered page title style example
An example of the Centered page title style
Centered Minimal page title style example
An example of the Centered Minimal page title style
Background Image page title style example
An example of the Background Image page title style

Padding (px)

The Padding (px) option enables you to assign padding (spacing) values around the content inside the Page Title area.

Page title padding options in the Customizer

This option is always measured in pixels (px).

Page Title style content padding options

Additional Title Settings

Additional Title Settings panel holds additional styling options for the Background Image page title style.

Additional settings available for the Background Image page title style

The Additional Title Settings panel contains the following options:

  • Title / Breadcrumbs Position: Left, Center, Right. Choose where should the content be displayed.
  • Image: select the image you want to use for the background.

The image you select as the background in the Customizer will be applied to all pages on your website.

You can always apply a different image to the Background Image Page Title style using the OceanWP (Metabox) Settings, and override global (Customizer) settings.

  • Height: select the height of the entire Page Title area.

applying page title background image height settings

  • Position: position the background image display.
  • Repeat: choose the repetition pattern for the background image.
  • Attachment: Initial, Scroll, Fixed. In this case, the Initial is the same as Scroll - no specific animations. The Fixed option will give you an animation like the Page Title background image holds in place while all the content goes above it while scrolling down. This animation is supported only by desktop browsers.
  • Size: apply the size of the background image.
  • Overlay Opacity: choose the level of opacity for the overlay color - color displayed over the background image.
  • Overlay Color: select the color for the overlay effect.

color overlay options for the Background Image page title style

Background Color

The Background Color option enables you to assign a color the background of the Page Title area.

apply a background color to the Page Title area

Text Color

The Text Color option enables you to assign a color to all textual elements in the Page Title area.

Title Typography

The Title Typography option enables you to apply the main title typography settings in the Page Title area.

Page Title typography settings for the main title

Title Color

The Title Color option enables to assign a color to the main title in the Page Title area.

assign the main title color in the Page Title area

Subtitle Typography

The Subtitle Typography option enables you to apply the subtitle typography settings in the Page Title area.

applying subtitle typography settings in the Page Title area

By default, no subtitles are displayed. You can always add a subtitle to any of your pages using the Title OceanWP (Metabox) Settings.

Subtitle Color

The Subtitle Color option enables to assign a color to the subtitle in the Page Title area.

assign subtitle color in the Page Title area

The Page Breadcrumbs panel enables you to configure breadcrumbs displayed in the Page Title area on your website.

WordPress Customizer Page Breadcrumbs options and settings

The Page Breadcrumbs panel includes the following options:

Enable Breadcrumbs

The Enable Breadcrumbs option enables you to choose whether or not you want to display breadcrumbs in the Page Title area.

OceanWP Breadcrumbs function independently of any SEO plugin you might be using. Breadcrumbs are always displayed in the Page Title area.

If you disable the Page Title area, breadcrumbs will not be displayed automatically.

Enable or disable website breadcrumbs in the Page Title area

If you disable Breadcrumbs or the Page Title, on the global (Customizer) or individual page level, you can always display breadcrumbs anywhere in your content using a shortcode.

The Breadcrumbs Source option enables you to choose the source for breadcrumb settings.

OceanWP uses its own breadcrumbs feature by default.

If you're using an SEO plugin that offers specific breadcrumbs option, these choices may appear in the Breadcrumbs Source dropdown. Not all SEO plugins include breadcrumbs, neither specific breadcrumb options.

OceanWP offers integration with the following SEO plugins regarding the Breadcrumbs Source:

  • Rank Math,
  • SEOpress,
  • Yoast.


The Position option enables you to determine the display position of breadcrumbs in the Page Title area.

The available options may vary depending on the Page Title style.

The Breadcrumbs typography option enables you to apply typography settings for breadcrumbs in the Page Title area.

apply breadcrumbs typography settings in Page Title area

Text color

The Text color option enables you to apply a color to all textual parts of your breadcrumbs. Note that some portions of your breadcrumbs will be displayed as links, and some as regular text (no links), depending on your breadcrumb settings.

applying color settings to textual parts of breadcrumbs
An example of the Text color being applied to separators (textual parts of breadcrumbs)

The Links color option enables you to apply a color to all links in your breadcrumbs, including regular and hover color.

apply breadcrumb links regular and hover color
An example of the Links color being applied to all links in the breadcrumbs

Separator color

The Separator color option enables you to apply a color to the separator (sign) between breadcrumb trails items.

The Breadcrumbs Homepage Settings panel holds breadcrumbs option that are specific to the assigned Homepage appearance in the breadcrumbs (see Customize > Homepage Settings or WP Dashboard, Settings > Reading to assign a Homepage).

breadcrumb settings for the homepage option in the breadcrumbs trail

The Breadcrumbs Homepage Settings include the following options:

  • Display Home as Icon / Text:
    • Icon (default option), an icon will be displayed.
    • Text, display text instead of an icon.
  • Homepage Custom Text: add what text to display instead of the icon (see previous option). Default text is: home. Live Customizer preview may not be available for the text change option, so make sure to Publish changes.
homepage in breadcrumbs being displayed as an icon
An example of the homepage being displayed as an icon
applying custom text to the breadcrumbs homepage option
An example of a custom text being used for the homepage in breadcrumbs

The Breadcrumbs Trail Settings panel contains options that enable you to control separators and the display of the breadcrumbs item title.

The Breadcrumbs Trail Settings panel includes the following options:

  • Separator: add own sign that will be displayed between different portions of the breadcrumbs. Live Customizer preview may not be available for the separator option, so make sure to Publish changes and reload the website.

applying custom breadcrumb separator and separator color

  • Display Item Title: choose whether the breadcrumbs should display the Item Title in its trail, ie the name of the current page.
display current item title name in breadcrumbs
An example of breadcrumbs displaying the current Item Title
breadcrumbs not displaying current item title
An example of breadcrumbs not displaying the current Item Title

The Breadcrumbs Taxonomy Settings panel contains options that enable you to choose what breadcrumb items to display for specific website items, such as blog posts.

WordPress breadcrumbs taxonomy settings panel

By default, the Breadcrumbs Taxonomy Settings panel will display taxonomy options only for blog posts (WP Dashboard, Posts). Additional options will appear based on whether you have WooCommerce or Easy Digital Downloads (Products Taxonomy) or Ocean Portfolio plugins installed (Portfolio Taxonomy).

single blog posts using the category as breadcrumbs taxonomy
An example of the Posts Taxonomy using the Category option
single post breadcrumbs using the Blog page taxonomy
An example of the Posts Taxonomy using the Blog Page option

When it comes to blog posts (WP Dashboard, Posts), available options may or may not be displayed based on your own preferences: whether you're using tags, whether you have a dedicated blog page assigned, etc.

Additional breadcrumbs content which is displayed also depends on your website's permalink settings: WP Dashboard, Settings > Permalinks.

To create a dedicated blog page, simply create a new page and publish it.

Navigate to Customize > Homepage Settings or WP Dashboard, Settings > Reading to select the page as the Posts Page (available if you select a Static Page option for the homepage).

If you want to have a dedicated blog page which is at the same time the homepage (aka update the page dynamically), create a new page and publish it.

Navigate to Customize > Homepage Settings or WP Dashboard, Settings > Reading to select the page as the Posts Page (available if you select a Static Page option for the homepage), while leaving the Homepage option blank.

In this way, you will be able to apply custom settings to the Blog page using the OceanWP (Metabox) Settings and personalize the look and feel of the entire page.

The Breadcrumbs Custom Text panel includes breadcrumbs option for special pages, such as the 404 Error page and the Search Results Page.

Customizer Breadcrumbs Custom Texts panel

You can add custom texts for:

  • Custom Text: 404 Not Found,
  • Custom Text: Search results for.
custom breadcrumbs text for the search results page example
An example of the custom text displayed in breadcrumbs for the Search Results Page

Special Pages

The Special Pages sections contains panels with features that enable you to customize and personalize the Search Results Page and the 404 Error Page.

Customize special pages in WordPress

Search Results Page

The Search Results Page panel contains option that enable you to personalize the Search Results Page.

WordPress Search Results Page options panel

The Search Results Page appears when someone performs a search on your website, looking for a specific term. This also depends whether or not you're displaying search options on your website.

The Search Results Page includes the following options:


The Layout option enables you to apply an independent layout for the Search Results Page:

  • Right Sidebar,
  • Left Sidebar,
  • Full Width,
  • 100% Full Width, and
  • Both Sidebars.
WordPress search results page using a left sidebar layout example
An example of the Left Sidebar page layout applied to the Search Results Page

Toggle the icon for the Layout panel, and select the thumbnail of the page layout you want to apply to the Search Results Page.

The Sidebar Layout Settings panel contains additional options specific only to the layouts containing a sidebar: Right Sidebar, Left Sidebar and Both Sidebars.

Additional options for search results page that displays a sidebar

The Sidebar Layout Settings contains the following options:

  • Left Sidebar and Right Sidebar layouts:
    • Enable Custom Sidebar: decide whether or not the Search Results Page will display dedicated sidebar content.
    • Mobile Sidebar Order: choose in which order will the content be displayed on mobile devices: main content first or sidebar content first.
  • Both Sidebars layout:

If you're using the Enable Custom Sidebar option, you can find dedicated widgets area via WP Dashboard, Appearance > Widgets, under the name: Search Results Sidebar.

Add content you wish to display in this widget area.

Select Source for SERP

The Select Source for SERP option enables you to choose the search source. For example, if a user performs a search on your website, should the website take into account all your website content, only blog posts, only products, etc.

select search source for the WordPress search results page option

Available options for the Select Source for SERP depend on your website's content. These options may include but are not limited to:

  • All Post Types: default option, search through all website content.
  • Posts: search only through blog posts (WP Dashboard, Posts).
  • Pages: search only through pages (WP Dashboard, Pages).
  • Products: search only through products (if WooCommerce or Easy Digital Download installed).
  • Portfolio: search only through portfolio items (if Ocean Portfolio installed).


The Logo option enables you to assign a dedicated logo for the Search Results Page only, which is going to be displayed above the Search Results Content.

option to add a custom logo above the WordPress search results page content

This is optional.

If you do not assign a dedicated logo, then nothing is displayed.

display a custom logo above the search results page content example
An example of a custom logo being displayed above the SERP content

404 Error Page

The 404 Error Page panel contains option that enable you to personalize the 404 Error page.

WordPress 404 page settings

The 404 Error page appears when someone wants to access content on your website that doesn't exist. For example, incorrect page URLs.

WordPrpess 404 page with OceanWP
An example of the default 404 Error page

The 404 Error Page includes the following options:

Hint: to preview the 404 Error page on your website, type in the following URL in your browser:

Replace with the actual domain of your website.

This will make it easy for you to view changes you apply in the Customizer.


The Layout option enables you to apply an independent layout for the 404 Error Page:

  • Right Sidebar,
  • Left Sidebar,
  • Full Width,
  • 100% Full Width, and
  • Both Sidebars.
Select WordPress 404 error page layout
An example of the Full Width layout applied to the 404 Error Page

Toggle the icon for the Layout panel, and select the thumbnail of the page layout you want to apply to the 404 Error Page.


The Logo option enables you to assign a dedicated logo for the 404 Error Page only, which is going to be displayed above the 404 Error Page content.

WordPress 404 error page dedicated logo option

This is optional.

If you do not assign a dedicated logo, then nothing is displayed.

WordPress 404 error page displaying a custom logo
An example of a custom logo displayed above the default 404 Error Page content

Custom 404

The Custom 404 option enables you to choose whether or not you want to display the usual website elements:

  • On: the usual website elements are not going to be displayed (header, menu, page title, footer, etc). Instead, only the main content will be displayed. You can use this feature in combination with the Select Template option.
  • Off: default. All website elements are displayed as usual.

Create a custom 404 error page in WordPress

Select Template

The Select Template option enables you to choose a custom template you created via WP Dashboard, OceanWP > My Library, which then you can use to replace the default 404 Error Page content.

You can use this option in combination with the Custom 404 feature.

option to use a custom template to replace the default 404 error page in WordPress

When it comes to custom templates (WP Dashboard, OceanWP > My Library), make sure each of the templates made is used once in the Customizer.

To deselect any custom template in the Customizer, simply choose the "Select" option.

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Enjoy building your WordPress website with OceanWP!

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