Popup Login - Customizer

Default theme settings may differ if you have imported one of the OceanWP prebuilt website templates for WordPress. This is because these templates come with their own Customizer settings. However, the way you use the Customizer to adjust your website remains the same.

The OceanWP Customizer Popup Login panel enables you to style and customize popup (modal) forms for user login, user registration and reset password, integrate MailChimp subscription, as well as apply various username and password security options.

Popup Login is an OceanWP premium feature, available with the OceanWP Pro Bundle.

Upgrade now to get access to this and many other features, premium full website templates, dedicated customer support and more.

The Popup Login panel in the Customizer will appear when you install and activate this premium OceanWP extension.

Available Popup Login options include:


The Position option enables you to choose where you want to place the link for the popup login form.

There are 2 available options:

  • Menu: automatically displayed in the menu navigation, after the last menu item.
  • Manual: place the login link wherever you want, using a shortcode or a custom class.

See this document on how you can manually display the popup login.

Login Text

The Login Text option enables you to choose a text for users who are not logged into the website or not registered on the website.

Default text is: Sign In / Join

Logged In

The Logged In option enables you to choose what to display to users who are logged into the website.

Available options include:

  • Display nothing: nothing is displayed for logged in users.
  • Logout link (default option): a logout option is displayed, with a text and URL you can customize.
  • Custom: only regular text message is displayed.
    • Custom Text: add your own text message to display.

Logout Text

The Logout Text option enables you to choose what message to display to logged in users when the Logout Link is set for the Logged In option.

Logout URL

The Logout URL option enables you to add a URL where users who logout from the website will be redirected to. This option is designed for the Logout Link selection for Logged In option.

If no custom Logout URL is added, the user will remain on the same page they were viewing.

Login Form

The Login Form panel contains options that enable you to customize the login form:


The Title option enables you to add a title to the login form.

This text is displayed on top of the form itself.


The Content option enables you to add a custom message and entice users to log in.

Redirect After Login

The Redirect After Login option enables you to add a custom URL, if you want to redirect users to a specific page after a successful login.

Hide the Remember Me option?

The Hide the Remember Me option enables you to hide the checkbox on the login form, which is used to recognize users based on cookies.

Whether or not the Remember Me option will function properly depends on your CDN, caching, as well as the user's browser cookie management.

Register Form

The Register Form panel contains options that enable you to customize the registration form for the popup login and enable users to register for your website.

The user registration form will function only if user registration is enabled on your WordPress website.

Navigate to WP Dashboard, Settings > General, and check the Membership option to enable user registration on the website. Choose the registered user default role accordingly.

enable user registration on WordPress

Available options include:


The Title option enables you to add a title that appears on top of the registration form.


The Content option enables you to add custom text and entice users to register for an account on your website.

Require Agreement

The Require Agreement option enables you to add a checkbox with a text which enables you to ensure user has read your Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy and more.

Likewise, a link for the Privacy Policy page is displayed on all forms, therefore it's always accessible to all users before they take any action (login, register, reset password).

The Require Agreement option will appear only if you have a published Privacy Policy page set in WordPress.

To assign the Privacy Page role to a page, navigate to WP Dashboard, Settings > Privacy, and choose the page that will serve as your Privacy Policy page.

After that, navigate to Pages > All Pages, and ensure the selected page is published (not set to draft or private).

set privacy policy page in WordPress

published WordPress privacy policy page

User Agreement Prompt

The User Agreement Prompt enables you to add custom text for the Require Agreement option.

You can use regular text or HTML (to add links, for example).

Redirect After Registration

The Redirect After Registration option enables you to add a custom URL if you want to redirect users to a specific page after a successful registration, like a thank you page.

Enable Subscription

The Enable Subscription option for MailChimp enables you to display a checkbox on the registration form, allowing users to create an account and subscribe to your MailChimp newsletter at the same time.

MailChimp Subscription functions with the OceanWP MailChimp integration.

View the following docs on how to get your MailChimp Audience ID, or how to generate the MailChimp API key.

Subscription Text

The Subscription Text option enables you to display custom text and entice users to subscribe to your MailChimp newsletter.

Lost Password Form

The Lost Password Form panel contains options that enable you to customize the lost password form, ie. reset password form.

Available options include:


The Title option enables you to add custom text that will appear on top of the Lost Password form.


The Content option enables you to add custom text to the Lost Password form and provide more information about user's next steps.

Username Security

The Username Security panel enables you to apply specific security options regarding username registration on your website.

Available options include:

Limit Length of Usernames

The Limit Length of Usernames option enables you to apply the rules to Min Username Length and Max Username Length. This option is to prevent too short or too long usernames registration, that prevents potential security issues.

Min Username Length

The Min Username Length option enables you to determine the minimum number of characters a username must contain.

Max Username Length

The Max Username Length option enables you to determine the maximum number of characters a username can contain.

Usernames Cannot Contain Spaces

The Usernames Cannot Contain Spaces option enables you to disapprove the use of spaces within usernames, to prevent potential security issues.

For example, a user cannot register a username my username , but can register my_username

Forbidden Usernames

The Forbidden Usernames option enables you to create a list of usernames nobody can register, such as admin, webmaster, etc.

Separate the list of usernames using a comma ( , ) only. Do not use spaces.

Example: admin,administrator,webmaster

Password Security

The Password Security panel contains options that enable you to apply security rules for user passwords.

Available options include:

  • Require Secure Passwords: ensure all user passwords are between 8 and 50 characters long.
  • Password Content section:
    • Must Contain Numbers: passwords must contain at least 1 number. Example: password83
    • Must Contain Small Letters: passwords must contain at least 1 small letter. Example: PASsWORD.
    • Must Contain Capital Letters: passwords must contain at least 1 capital letter. Example: passworD
    • Must Contain Symbols: passwords must contain at least 1 special character. Example: pass*word

Blocking Options

The Block Options panel contains options that enable you to block users who abuse the login form.

Available options include:

  • Block on Invalid Login Attempts: enable the option to block users who repeatedly abuse the login form.
  • Number of Invalid Attempts: adjust the number of invalid attempts after which the user will be blocked from attempting to login again.
  • Block Duration (minutes): decide for how long should the user who abused the login form be blocked.

Validation Method

The Validation Method panel enables you to choose which security option you want to use upon form submission (login, registration, lost password).

Available options include:

  • Use Nonce for Validation: default option, WordPress nonce validation. Usually sufficient and recommended to use, but can be affected by caching plugins thus leading to failed login and registration attempts.
  • Use reCAPTCHA for Validation: Google reCAPTCHA validation. Requires Google reCAPTCHA integration.

Use only ONE validation method.


The Styling panel contains multiple options that help you style the forms, buttons and more.

Available options include:

  • Width (px): adjust the width of the forms. Always measured in pixels (px).
  • Padding (px): add padding (spacing) to the forms, surrounding the content. Always measured in pixels (px).
  • Border Radius (px): adjust forms border radius (corner roundness). Always measured in pixels (px).
  • Background Image: add a background image to the forms main background. Not applicable to the forms bottom part.
  • Site Overlay: apply a site overlay color.
  • Form Background: apply a forms background color.
  • Title: apply a color to the forms title.
  • Content: apply a color to the forms content.
  • Input Label: apply a color to the input area labels.
  • Input Box Border: apply a color to the input area border.
  • Input Box Border: Focus: apply a color to the input area border on focus.
  • Remember Me: apply a color to the Remember Me text.
  • Button Background: apply a regular and hover color to the forms main buttons.
  • Button Text: apply a regular and hover color to the forms main buttons text.
  • Bottom Background: apply a color to the forms bottom area background.
  • Bottom Text: apply a color to the forms bottom area text.
  • Bottom Button Background: apply a regular and hover color to the bottom area button.
  • Bottom Button Text: apply a regular and hover color to the bottom area button text.
  • Privacy Link: apply a regular and hover color to the privacy page link.

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