Admin Controls: Site Booster Module

The Ocean Site Booster's Admin Controls module enables you to customize and boost your experience as the website administrator.

To access Admin Controls, click on the cog icon, then toggle to enable the module.

Customizing your Admin experience, you're able to streamline your work and also white-label WordPress to a certain degree.

Enable (or disable) any option you would like to use, then save changes at the bottom of the module page.

Available Admin Controls options include:

Display Active Plugins First

This option enables you to display all active plugins on the Plugins > Installed Plugins page first, as opposed to the standard display method which only takes the alphabetical order into account.

Media Library Infinite Scrolling

This option enables you to reenable the infinite scrolling pagination feature in Media > Library, as opposed to the current method which utilizes the Load More button pagination.

Clean Up Admin Bar

This option enables you to customize the WordPress admin bar via various options:

Remove WordPress Logo/Menu

This option enables you to remove the WordPress logo and its associated menu from the admin bar.

WordPress logo and menu in admin bar

Remove Customize Menu

This option enables you to remove the Customize option from the admin bar, which is usually available in the admin bar when previewing the website (frontend).

You will still be able to access the theme Customizer via Apparance > Customize.

Customize link in WordPress admin bar

Remove Updates Counter

This option enables you to remove the updates counter and its associated link from the admin bar.

The updates counter serves to display how many updates are currently available for your website (WordPress, themes and plugins).

Updates counter link displayed in the admin bar

You will still be able to access this option via Dashboard > Updates.

Remove Comments Counter

This option enables you to remove the comments counter and its associated link from the admin bar.

new comments counter in WordPress admin bar

You will still be able to access this option via WP Dashboard > Comments.

Remove New Content Menu

This option enables you to remove the New content shortcut menu from the admin bar.

new content shortcut menu in WordPress admin bar

Remove Howdy

This option enables you to remove the standard 'Howdy' greeting next to the username in admin bar.

standard WordPress howdy greeting in admin bar

Remove the Help Tab and Drawer

This option enables you to remove the Help tab and its drawer (content) from default WordPress areas.

WordPress dashboard Help tab and content

This option enables you to remove the default text in the footer (bottom) of WordPress dashboard pages, which usually contains the current WordPress version you're running and the "Thank you for creating with WordPress" text.

WordPress dashboard admin footer text

Disable WordPress Dashboard Widgets

This option enables you to remove any widget you want from the WP Dashboard, Dashboard > Home area.

remove WordPress Dashboard widgets from the Home tab

Click the box to choose one or multiple widgets.

Hide Standard Logo from the Login Page

This option enables you to remove the default WordPress logo from your website's login page.

WordPress logo on the website login page

Disable WordPress Login Language Switcher

This option enables you to remove the language switcher option from the default WordPress login page.

WordPress login page language switcher

Disable Automatic Updates

This option enables you to control automatic updates in a bulk, for WordPress core, themes or plugins.

Automatic Updates control can be influenced by your server and/or hosting provider option.

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