Plugin Manager: Site Booster Module
The Ocean Site Booster's Plugin Manager module enables you to disable unnecessary plugins from running on the website's frontend, and you can choose between archives, pages, posts, CPTs, products, custom URLs, and more.
You can set up unlimited rules depending on your need.
To access Plugin Manager, click on the cog
icon, then toggle
to enable the module.
Disabling unused plugins will boost your website's speed significantly, improve UX, boost SEO, especially if used in combinations with caching plugins.
Click on the ADD RULE
button to add a new rule and configure it, or click on any of the existing rules to expand the option and (re)configure, then save changes
at the bottom of the module page.
How to Determine What Plugins to Disable and Where
Let's say you're using Ocean Portfolio (part of the OceanWP Pro Bundle) on your website.
But, outside of the main Portfolio page, individual portfolio items and, for example, the homepage where you're displaying some of your portfolio work using a shortcode - you're basically not using the Ocean Portfolio plugin on any other page, post or archive.
This means that you can disable Ocean Portfolio plugin using the Plugin Manager rules on all pages which are not generated by the Ocean Portfolio plugin.
Working with Plugin Manager Rules
Working with Plugin Manager rules is quite simple:
Create a rule
Click on the ADD RULE
button to add a new rule, or click on any of the existing rules to expand the option and (re)configure.
Enable or disable a rule
the option to enable or disable any rule individually.
Rule Title
Add a title for your rule for easier management of existing rules. This is optional and depends on you.
Disable in Context
Choose the option based on where you want to apply your rules, ie. choose where you want to disable one or more plugins.
Depending on your selection (Page, Post, Archive, etc), additional options may appear. For example, to select all, select one or multiple.
Device Type
Choose on which devices should the rule be applied to:
- Both Desktop and Mobile: the rule will be applied on all devices: desktop, tablet and mobile;
- Desktop Only: the rule will be applied only on desktop devices.
- Mobile Only: the rule will be applied on tablet and mobile devices.
At this point it's not possible to separate tablet devices from mobile devices, since both devices serve mobile content, therefore the tablet device is added along the mobile one.
Plugin Name
Click the box to select one or more plugins you want to disable.
Save Changes
After applying the rules you want, click the button to Save Changes
After applying specific rules, remember to test the changes and all functionalities on those pages, posts, archives, etc.
This will ensure nothing is affected and everything that needs to function actually functions correctly once applying the selected rules.
Preview Plugin Manager Rules
Before applying specific Plugin Manager rules, you can also preview how will these rules affect your website's page.
The Preview option is available only for single items (posts, pages, etc).
To access the Preview option, edit a page or post in WordPress.
The OSB Plugin Preview option will function with both Gutenberg and Classic Editor.

Click on the box to select one or more plugins you would like to disable.
Once you're done, click the Preview with Selected Plugins Disabled
button to see how this page will look and function without the plugins in question, or Check on Google PageSpeed
OSB Plugin Preview only offers that - the preview - and does not disable any plugins.
For now, plugins can be only disabled by adding and applying specific rules via the Plugin Manager in the Site Booster dashboard.
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Send us a prepurchase ticket, include the URL of the page, and add suggestions and more details about how we can make things better for you.
That's it!
Boost your WordPress website on all levels with OceanWP and Ocean Site Booster.