How To Use OceanWP Typography

If you have a fresh installation of the OceanWP theme, you can can customize your Typography settings in a breeze.

In this article will show you how to properly set up the font family for your website.

OceanWP main typography settings are available via Customize > Typography.

1 Set Body Typography

Via Appearance > Customize > Typography > Body, select the font family.

This will apply the chosen font family to the entire typography on your website.

Other settings you apply for the Body typography will only be applied to textual (paragraph) parts of your website.

2 Set All Headings Typography

If you wish to use a different font family for your headings (H1 to H6), choose a font family you want to use via Customize > Typography > All Headings.

This will override the font family you have previously chosen for the Body.

3 Set Individual Headings Typography

OceanWP offers you the option to choose different typography for individual headings, from H1 to H4.

If you want to override the font family for any of these headings and use different settings than applied in Step 2, choose any font you need.

If you want for the want the font family to remain the same, then all you need to do is apply different font size, etc.

4 Other Typography Settings

If you followed steps from 1 to 3, you already got the feel of how things function.

You can override the default font family (selected in Step 1) just by choosing the one you want.

Likewise, if you wish to keep using the same font family, all you need to do is set font size or other typography settings as you wish.

OceanWP offers a variety of typography settings. These include but are not limited to:

  • Main Menu typography,
  • Main Menu dropdown menus typography,
  • Footer Copyright (Footer Bottom),
  • Sidebar Widget Heading,
  • Footer Widget Heading,
  • and many more.

5 Applying Typography Settings After a Demo Import

If you imported one of our OceanWP WordPress website templates and you also imported the Customizer settings, then your typography settings are also already.

This means that you will manually need to change the font family or other typography settings so that they fit your needs. This process is not as smooth as the process with fresh installations, but you will get there fast.

Remember, you can always reset your entire Customizer settings and start from scratch.

That's it!

Happy website building

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