How To Use Coupon Manager

Welcome to your Ocean eComm Treasure Box!

The Coupon Manager feature is available as of Ocean eComm Treasure Box 1.2.0 version.

The Coupon Manager feature serves to manage your store coupons, organize them by category, apply conditional logic, send abandoned cart coupons to your clients' email address and more.

Coupon Manager

To enable and use the Coupon Manager feature, navigate to your WP dashboard, open the eCommerce OTB dashboard, and go to the Modules tab.

Click the "cog" icon next to the Coupon Manager option to load the feature.

To enable the Coupon Manager and see inner settings, set the slider next to the Enable Module option to ON.

Coupon Manager Settings

When enabled, the Coupon Manager module will display various settings:

  1. Coupon Categories: when enabled, this feature will allow to sort coupons by specific categories. Optional, more info below.
  2. Coupon URL: when enabled, this feature allows you to apply coupons directly via a link. For example, via emails or short links via posts. Optional, more info below.

Of course, there are additional options:

  • Save Changes: save all your changes.
  • Reset to Default: though the button looks like disabled, it's very much active. This option will delete all your custom settings and reset the Coupon Manager options to default. The option requires confirmation.
  • ← BACK: Go back to the main Modules screen.

Managing Coupons

When the Coupon Manager module is enabled, you can manage all your coupons via your WP Dashboard, Marketing > Coupons.

Create New Coupons

#1 You can create a new coupon by clicking the "Add coupon" button.

#2 Add your coupon name or use our random generator instead. Coupon names should be a one word. You can use dashes ( - ) and underscores ( _ ) in the coupon name. For example: first-gift or first_gift.

#3 Add coupon description (optional) so you know what the coupon is for or about. This is for internal usage and your customers will not see this.

After that, you can manage the coupon data from the Coupon Data dashboard.

General: Coupon Data

Every coupon type can be further customized with Usage Restriction and Usage Limits.

  • Discount Type: choose the type of the coupon you're creating:
    • Percentage Discount: a percentage discount to be applied to the subtotal in the cart.
    • Fixed Cart Discount: a total amount deducted from the subtotal in the cart. Control with additional Usage Restriction and Usage Limits settings.
    • Fixed Product Discount: a total amount to be deducted from each product in the cart. Control with additional Usage Restriction and Usage Limits settings.
    • Free Gift: gift your customers with specific product(s) free of charge. More info below.
    • Abandoned Cart Discount: send abandoned cart emails on abandoned purchases and offer specific coupons / discounts to entire the customer to complete the order. More info below.
  • Coupon Amount: depends on the Discount Type.
    • If Percentage Discount type, then you should add the value of percentage to be applied (10, 15, 20).
    • If Fixed Cart Discount type, add value which is applied in currency (200, 150, 30, 500). For example, if you want to deducted $100 of the cart subtotal, you should enter a value of 100.
    • If Fixed Product Discount type, add value which is applied in currency which is then applied to every product in the cart. For example, if you want to deduct $5 from every product in the cart, add value of 5.
    • If Abandoned Cart Discount type, you'll be able to choose between Percentage Discount and Fixed Cart Discount.
  • Allow Free Shipping: if this option is checked, the usage of the coupon will also include free shipping for the order.
  • Coupon Start Date: choose the date when the coupon becomes active. If your users try to apply the coupon before it becomes active, they will see the message it's not valid. This option is not available for the Abandoned Cart Discount type.
  • Coupon Expiry Date: choose the date when the coupon expires. The coupon will always expire at midnight (00:00) of the selected date.

Additional settings will appear based on the selected Discount Type:

  • Percentage Discount:
    • For new user only: if checked, this coupon will be applied only for new customers and for their very first purchase.
  • Fixed Cart Discount:
    • For new user only: if checked, this coupon will be applied only for new customers and for their very first purchase.
  • Fixed Product Discount:
    • For new user only: if checked, this coupon will be applied only for new customers and for their very first purchase.
  • Free Gift:
    • Free Gift Products: select product(s) you want to give to your customers free of charge.
    • Require items in cart: check this box if the coupon should only be applied and visible to the customer when there are items in the cart aka the cart is not empty. Recommended to be checked.
    • Apply only when cart has regular products: check this box if the coupon should automatically remove itself if the customer removes products from the cart. Recommended to be checked.
    • Description:
      • You can add product(s) from your store only.
      • You can choose the quantity of the selected product(s).
      • Customers will not be able to change the quantity on their own.
      • The price for products will display as zero in cart / checkout.
  • Abandoned Cart Discount:
    • Abandoned Cart Coupon Amount: depends on the further selected type.
    • Discount Type for Abandoned Carts:
      • Percentage Discount (apply a specific amount of discount in %), and
      • Fixed Cart Discount (apply a specific amount of discount in a fixed currency rate).
    • Check Frequency for Abandoned Carts: choose how frequently should the system check for abandoned carts:
      • Hourly (every hour),
      • Twice Daily (every 12 hours),
      • Daily (once every 24h), recommended.
    • Abandoned Cart Email Subject: add a title for the email your customer will receive. For example: How about a special discount just for you?
    • Abandoned Cart Email Message: add text for the email body your customer will receive. Use the {coupon_code} variable (exactly like that, do not replace with your coupon name) for the email to display the coupon.
    • Description:
      • The cart is considered abandoned if the user has not made any changes for the last hour (1 hour).
      • Users will receive an email after 1h after the system checks for abandoned carts.
      • Users that have already received abandoned cart emails will not receive the email twice in order to avoid spam.
      • Each user will receive their unique coupon code which is generated automatically. For this purpose (coupon generation), we're using the WordPress' function for password generation. Coupon names will contain only letters and numbers.
      • Generated coupons will automatically expire after one week (7 days) after they were generated.
      • Checking abandoned carts, generating coupons and sending emails is making use of WP Cron, so you have to ensure this feature functions on your end (server) correctly.

Usage Restriction: Coupon Data

The coupon manager allows you to fully control and customize your coupons and apply deeper conditional logic to them:

  • Minimum Spend: minimal amount (subtotal) required for the customers to be able to make use of the coupon.
  • Maximum Spend: maximum amount (subtotal) threshold after which customers will not be able to make use of the coupon.
  • Individual use only: check this option if the coupon should only be applied on its own aka not be combined together with other coupons.
  • Exclude sale items: check this option if the coupon should not apply to items which are on sale:
    • Fixed Cart Discount type: the coupon will only function if the cart includes products that are not on sale.
    • Fixed Product Discount type: the coupon will only function if the product is not on sale.
  • Products: functions with the Fixed Cart Discount type. Select products that should always be in the cart for the coupon to be applied.
  • Exclude Products: functions with the Fixed Cart Discount type. Select products for which the coupon will not function if they're in the cart.
  • Product categories: functions with the Fixed Cart Discount type. Select product categories that should always be in the cart for the coupon to be applied.
  • Exclude categories: functions with the Fixed Cart Discount type. Select products product categories for which the coupon will not function if they're in the cart.
  • Allowed emails: list of allowed billing email addresses to check against when an order is placed. Separate multiple emails with a coma ( , ). Use an asterisk ( * ) to target all email addresses ( * will target all gmail addresses). Leave blank to allow all emails.
  • User roles: the coupon will function only if the customer belongs to a selected group of user roles. Leave blank for all user roles.
  • Shipping methods: the coupon will function only with selected shipping methods. Leave blank for all shipping methods.
  • Payment methods: the coupon will function only with selected payment methods. Leave blank for all payment methods.
  • Countries: the coupon will function only with selected country(ies). The country restriction applies to the country customers add in the checkout (not IP address). Leave blank for all countries.

Usage Limits: Coupon Data

  • Usage limit per coupon: how many times can a coupon be used in total.
  • Limit usage to X items: functions with the Fixed Product Discount. Add a maximum number of items (products) in the cart the coupon can be applied to. Leave blank if the coupon should be applied to all items in the cart.
  • Usage limit per user: how many times can one and the same customer make use of the coupon. Not necessary to apply if the coupon is set to be used only new customers only via the General section of the Coupon Data.

Coupon Categories

If you enabled the Coupon Categories feature in the Coupon Manager module, you can assign a coupon to belong to specific category(ies), by selecting the correct one(s) on the right side of the panel.

Assigning categories functions the same like assigning a blog post to specific categories, so nothing complicated.

Coupon URL

If you enabled the Coupon URL feature in the Coupon Manager module, you can now apply a coupon to a cart directly via a link.

There's a specific way to construct the coupon URL which consists out of 3 parts:

  1. The URL to your cart page. For example: (make sure it ends with a forward slash ( / ) )
  2. ?oec_coupon= (this is a constant and doesn't change)
  3. the name of your coupon.

Following the steps from above, if the name of your coupon is FirstGift then the Coupon URL would be:

That's it!

Enjoy building your custom eCommerce website with OceanWP and Ocean eComm Treasure Box!

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