How To Use Suggest Price Option

Welcome to your Ocean eComm Treasure Box!

The Suggest Price feature is available as of Ocean eComm Treasure Box 1.1.0 version. Currently, the Suggest Price option only supports custom templates (Elementor).

The Suggest Price option enables your site visitors to send you a product price suggestion allowing them to bargain with you.

Suggest Price: How It Works

If you used the Suggest Price on your single product, on every single product page of your eCommerce website your customers will see a button with the text you add. For example: Suggest your price.

Setting up the Suggest Price option is really straightforward. When the button is clicked, it reveals a short form with the following options:

  1. email address input,
  2. name input,
  3. text field input,
  4. the submit button.

Of course, there's also the Close button which then hides the form again.

If your customers want the product really bad and are willing to bargain for it, they will fill out the form.

When they hit the Submit button (with whatever text you placed on it), you (depending on the email address you added in the settings) will receive an email with the information added in the form.

Using this feature requires your WordPress installation / server being able to send emails. Sending emails does not depend on the OceanWP theme, nor any of the Ocean plugins.

Before officially adding this option to your website, we recommend making necessary tests (send a few suggestions on your own) to ensure everything functions properly. If you experience problems with sending emails, you can try the WP Mail SMPT plugin by WPForms or similar solutions.

Suggest Price Widget: Single Product Template

The Suggest Price option should only be used inside the Single Product template, and of course, 1 time.

The widget name for Elementor is called Woo Product: Suggest Price.

Suggest Price Widget: Customization

The Suggest Price widget enables you to customize the text, recipient's email address and success / fail texts:

  1. Open button text,
  2. Close button text,
  3. Submit button text,
  4. Recipient's email address (who should receive emails about price suggestions),
  5. Name field input placeholder text,
  6. Email field input placeholder text,
  7. Message field placeholder text,
  8. Success message text (when the suggestion has been submitted successfully),
  9. Error message text (if submitting the suggestion form fails).

Suggest Price Widget: Styling

You can style your Suggest Price widget further, directly from the Style tab:

  • Input: to style and customize the name and email input fields.
  • Textarea: to style and customize the message text area field.
  • Open Button: to style and customize the main button.
  • Close Button: to style and customize the form close button.
  • Submit Button: to style and customize the form submit button.

That's it!

Enjoy building your custom eCommerce website with OceanWP and Ocean eComm Treasure Box!

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