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106 articles found

  • Home - OceanWP Panel

    The Home section of the OceanWP Panel offers you a variety of options, and we'll go over all options included in this doc. The free Ocean Extra plugin must be installed and active for all OceanWP

  • How To Use Product Badges Manager

    Welcome to your Ocean eComm Treasure Box! The Product Badges Manager is a new feature, available as of Ocean eComm Treasure Box 1.2.0. And, as of Ocean eComm Treasure Box 1.4.0, besides textual

  • Ocean eComm Treasure Box Changelog

    Ocean eComm Treasure Box Changelog = 1.4.1 - MAY 28 2024 = Added: Pixel Tracker: LinkedIn events. Added: Pixel Tracker: Pinterest events. Added: Pixel Tracker: Google Consent option. Effectively

  • Popup Builder

    Welcome to your brand new OceanWP feature - the Popup Builder. This feature is available to all OceanWP Pro Bundle license owners and delivered through the Ocean Pro Demos plugin, version 1.5.0 and

  • How To Use Waitlist (Waiting List)

    Welcome to your Ocean eComm Treasure Box! The Waitlist feature is available as of Ocean eComm Treasure Box 1.4.0 version. The Waitlist feature adds brand new functionality to your website and serves

  • How To Use the Popup Builder

    Welcome to your Ocean eComm Treasure Box dashboard! The Popup Builder feature of your Ocean eComm Treasure Box (Ocean eCommerce) premium plugin enables you to create different types of popups: Custom