Search results for breadcrumb
15 articles found
Hide Page Title and Keep Breadcrumb
This is a Developer Level doc. If you're unfamiliar with CSS/PHP and/or editing files, codes and templates, as well as with resolving possible conflict, please seek help from a professional. Under
Enable Breadcrumbs on a Single Product Page
This is a Developer Level doc. If you're unfamiliar with PHP and/or editing files, codes and templates, as well as with resolving possible conflict, please seek help from a professional. Under our
The Breadcrumb doesn't Appear
If you use Yoast SEO, the default breadcrumb is disabled, you just need to go to the Yoast SEO settings and enable the plugin breadcrumb, this way you will have more control over it.
[oceanwp_breadcrumb] Shortcode
This shortcode allows you to display the breadcrumb: [oceanwp_breadcrumb] Here is a list of the different parameters: class: If you want to add a custom class. color: If you want to add your own color
Breadcrumbs - OceanWP Settings
Using the Breadcrumbs feature of the OceanWP Settings, you can manipulate the breadcrumbs in the Page Title area of each of your pages, posts, products, etc per need. Default (global) Breadcrumbs
Pages & Special Pages - Customizer
Default theme settings may differ if you have imported one of the OceanWP prebuilt website templates for WordPress. This is because these templates come with their own Customizer settings. However,
Change The Page Title Design
You can easily alter your main page header / title design via the WordPress Customizer. Simply log into WordPress and go to Appearance > Customize > Pages & Special Pages > Page Title, and choose the
Ocean Portfolio Changelog
Ocean Portfolio Extension Changelog: = 2.3.1 - DEC 17 2024 = Added: Compatibility: WordPress: Bottom margin styles for wp.components.SelectControl is deprecated since 6.7 and will be removed in
Title - OceanWP Settings
Using the Title feature of the OceanWP Settings, you can manipulate the Page Title area of each of your pages, posts, products, etc per need. Default (global) Page Title settings are available via
Ocean Extra Changelog
Ocean Extra plugin Changelog: = 2.4.5 - FEB 27 2025 = Added: Codes for the upcoming plugin. Added: Turnstile integration for Popup Login and Elementor Widgets. Fixed: Freemius SDK: PHP 8+ Warning:
SEO Settings - Customizer
Default theme settings may differ if you have imported one of the OceanWP prebuilt website templates for WordPress. This is because these templates come with their own Customizer settings. However,
OceanWP Theme Changelog
# OceanWP Changelog ### 2025.02.27 - 4.0.6 Added: Turnstile integration for Popup Login and Elementor Widgets. Added: Google Fonts: Funnel Sans and Funnel Display. Updated: Template:
Why Use OceanWP?
OceanWP Multi-Purpose Theme - For Websites With No Limits You have so much to give but your WordPress theme is standing between you and the realization of your ideas? Themes with limited features
Blog - Customizer
Default theme settings may differ if you have imported one of the OceanWP prebuilt website templates for WordPress. This is because these templates come with their own Customizer settings. However,
Portfolio - Customizer
Default theme settings may differ if you have imported one of the OceanWP prebuilt website templates for WordPress. This is because these templates come with their own Customizer settings. However,