OceanWP Customizer Introduction

Welcome to OceanWP!

The OceanWP theme Customizer enables you to style and customize your website globally ie. apply styling and specific settings site-wide.

Each OceanWP Customizer panel has its own specific function, enabling you to achieve different results. In this document we'll guide you through all the options, helping you get desired results fast and effortlessly.

Your OceanWP WordPress theme also enables you to style each of your pages, products, posts etc. individually, by overriding global (Customizer) website settings. For more information, see OceanWP (Metabox) Settings.

OceanWP Customizer Panels

Default OceanWP Customizer Panels

Default OceanWP Customizer panels are all options available in the OceanWP theme in conjunction with the free Ocean Extra plugin:

  • Typography: apply global typography settings, enable Google Fonts, local Google Fonts and more.
  • Colors: apply global color settings.
  • Site Style & Settings: apply website layout, style buttons, forms, pagination, icons and more.
  • Pages & Special Pages: apply global pages layout, style 404 and Search Results Page, adjust Page Title and more.
  • Top Bar: add Top Bar content, style and customize.
  • Header: choose the header style, customize the menu and mobile menu, etc.
  • Blog: choose the blog style, customize archives and single blog post pages.
  • Sidebar: style the sidebar widgets area.
  • Footer Widgets: style the footer widgets area or apply a custom template.
  • Footer Copyright: style the footer copyright area.
  • SEO Settings: enable Schema markup and apply additional SEO settings.
  • Performance: boost website's performance by disabling OceanWP options you don't use.
  • Site Preloader: brand your website with a stylish animation that reduces bounce rate.
  • Custom CSS / JS: add custom CSS or JS codes.
  • OceanWP Info: shortcuts to OceanWP documentation and support options.

Premium OceanWP Customizer Panels

Premium OceanWP Customizer panels appear if you're using specific OceanWP premium options:

  • Popup Login (OceanWP Pro Bundle): user login and registration form with various options.
  • Sticky Header (OceanWP Pro Bundle and Ocean eCommerce Pro): multiple sticky and styling options.
  • Side Panel (OceanWP Pro Bundle): off canvas side panel, can be used as a promo space, additional navigation or a little bit of everything, including custom templates on global and individual page level.
  • Portfolio (OceanWP Pro Bundle): create and display any type of your portfolio, business, personal, recipes, the choice is entirely yours.
  • Footer Callout (OceanWP Pro Bundle): style and customize a nifty Call to Action that appears above the footer.
  • Sticky Footer (OceanWP Pro Bundle): style and customize the footer area on desktop, making all footer info accessible to visitors at all times.
  • Cookie Notice (OceanWP Pro Bundle): display a cookie and privacy policy notice, or something completely different.
  • Woo Popup (OceanWP Pro Bundle and Ocean eCommerce Pro): display a popup with custom content once a product is added to cart to increase conversion and sales.

Free OceanWP Customizer Panels

Free OceanWP Customizer panels specific free OceanWP plugins in combination with your free OceanWP theme:

  • Social Sharing: display and style sharing buttons.
  • Modal Window: create and display any amount of popups that open on button / link click.
  • Product Sharing: display and style sharing buttons for WooCommerce and EDD products.

Special Customizer Panels

Special Customizer panels are panels that already exist with third-party plugins. However, OceanWP adds additional options to default options, providing you with more customization power:

  • WooCommerce,
  • Easy Digital Downloads (EDD),
  • LearnDash,
  • LifterLMS.

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That's it!

Enjoy building your WordPress website with OceanWP!

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